Sure birds leave more impact than others and it is impossible to remeber all. On this page I will feature some the birds that are behind both past successes and current birds.
Deceased in 2018 but her grandchildren speak for her
A hen producing top breeders
2006 hen, behind top birds in lofts throughout the world
2016 cock, the current top breeding cock of my loft
A very interesting pigeon to work with as he passes on his frontal position
He was only used here on season before being passed on to another breeder but one his young provided magic
1997 red cock. Given to Josef Hammp, Germany 2001
Bred in 2012 from by Neil Pratt from a Pratt/Jensen mating, this hen was here in 2013/14 and thru her offspring left a massive mark on my current Bokharas.
2015 hen, the mother of "Superbreeder111"
Outstanding shell for her time